1. Wandersee, J.H., & Clary, R.M. (2004, April). Learning on the trail: A content analysis of an arboretum's exemplary science signage system. Research paper presented at the 2004 annual international meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA.
2. Clary, R.M., & Wandersee, J.H. (2004, August). Geotourism meets geoeducation: A comparative study of the three US fossil parks. Research paper presented at the 32nd International Geological Congress, Fortezza da Basso, FLORENCE, ITALY.
3. Wandersee, J.H., & Clary, R.M. (2005, July). A research-based model for writing interpretive botanical trail signs. Research paper presented at the Botanical Literacy Symposium of the 17th International Botanical Conference, The Austria Center, VIENNA, AUSTRIA.
4. Clary, R.M., & Wandersee, J.H. (2005, November). [Invited paper]. Florence Bascom's great expectations: The story of an innovative geology educator and inspiring mentor. Special history of women in geology seminar. Geological Society of London, LONDON, UK.
5. Wandersee, J.H., & Clary, R.M. (2006, September). [Invited paper]. Advances in research toward a theory of plant blindness. The 6th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens, University of Oxford Botanic Garden, OXFORD, UK.